Meeting with the Palestinian Ambassador

Yesterday, I met with Husam Said Zomlot, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK in Parliament.

I expressed the solidarity shown by the people from across the constituency who have long stood with the people of Palestine.

We discussed the humanitarian crisis which has led to the loss of tens of thousands of innocent civilians including children, and the desperate need to secure the safe passage of aid including medicine.

I shared the strength of feeling and also the significant charity work underway locally. Many local groups and constituents have worked hard to rally for aid and it’s essential it gets to civilians.

We talked about the announcement from Ireland, Norway and Spain earlier in the day to formally recognise the state of Palestine. Labour has called for the recognition of Palestine, which is essential in securing peace and viable two state solution.

I’ve talked before about the representations I’ve made in Parliament, some of which have been shared on social media, most recently calling out the current government supply of arms for use against international law.

We want to see peace; an immediate ceasefire, the flow of urgent aid, the release of hostages, upholding of international law, recognition of the remit of the international court (ICC), recognition of the Palestinian nation in its own right and not at the gift of any neighbour, action on illegal settlements and critically a path to a long term peace and security for both Palestine and Israel people.

I’ll contribute as I have in speaking truth to power, true to our shared values, and speaking for innocent victims wherever they are.

Published by JimfromOldham

Labour and Co-operative MP for Oldham West & Royton

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