Update on 5g mobile phone and broadband masts

Following the roundtable with minister Julia Lopez on 25th March, which followed the Westminster Hall I secured, MP’s have now received an update on what action is proposed.

I have included the letter, and will pull out key elements;

Firstly; on the 28 days notice required to the planning authority. The issue that even once notified the ability for councils to refuse permission is very limited, and in the end often only comes down the ability to negotiate colour or screening options, not whether or not it can be in place at all, unless for example it is blocking the public highway. Masts below 15 metres are considered Permitted Development, but at 15 metres it’s already taller than three stacked double decker buses.

Secondly; and potentially better news is the commitment to review the Cabinet Siting and Pole Siting Code of Practice to promote “better working practices”. I am concerned that the letter says this will be driven by industry, when it is industry themselves causing the problem. This has the potential to miss an opportunity to require equipment to be installed off the highway as a first port of call, or to insist that underground trucking is used.

Thirdly, I am deeply disappointed more isn’t being proposed to force operators to share equipment, again allowing the industry to self-organise. The problem with this is that the value of being a host is obviously more beneficial than hiring equipment. The result is still that multiple companies could install side by side equipment, doubling the inconvenience and intrusion.

I am pleased that the Minister has committed to review the bond scheme, which few have faith in at the moment. This is because it requires the company to hold funds within it’s own accounts, but what if it goes bust? It then falls to taxpayers through the council to remove it.

It is clear that the progress we had hoped for, in particular the requirement to use underground trunking and to provide surveys to Ofcom and the local council which can be spot checked, looks like it isn’t being taken forward.

I will follow up as I’ve committed to do, and more immediately my office will continue to support constituents where possible on site by site issues.

Published by JimfromOldham

Labour and Co-operative MP for Oldham West & Royton

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